2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'vitamin for children'|What are little girls made of Gender segregation in vitamin products for children

About 'vitamin for children'|What are little girls made of Gender segregation in vitamin products for children

Are               you               counting               on               a               daily               multi-vitamin               to               keep               your               health               in               good               order?

If               so,               you               might               want               to               take               a               closer               look               at               the               multi-vitamins               in               your               medicine               cabinet!

In               tests               run               by               independent               laboratories               less               than               half               of               the               multi-vitamins               tested               met               the               claims               stated               on               their               labels.

Unlike               pharmaceutical               medicines               which               must               be               approved               by               the               Food               and               Drug               Administration,               vitamins               are               not               required               to               undergo               the               same               levels               of               testing.

So               it               is               up               to               the               consumer               to               get               the               facts               on               what               he/she               is               taking.

The               good               news               is               their               are               several               good               products               on               the               market.

This               article               will               reveal               what               some               of               those               tests               showed,               and               give               you               tips               on               how               to               select               a               good               multi-vitamin.

ConsumerLab.com               recently               selected               21               different               brands               of               multi-vitamins               available               in               the               US               and               Canada.

All               21               of               them               were               sent               to               independent               labs               for               testing.

You               should               be               amazed               at               the               results               they               got.

Out               of               the               21               brands               that               were               tested,               only               10               of               them               met               the               quality               standards               and               claims               stated               on               their               labels.

Only               10               out               of               21!

A               vitamin               a               day               may               NOT               keep               the               doctor               away!

And               people               still               wonder               why               the               federal               government               ends               up               having               to               regulate               everything!
               One               product               was               found               to               contain               lead.

This               vitamin               made               for               women               is               called,               The               Vitamin               Shoppe               Multivitamins               Especially               for               Women.

The               test               confirmed               this               product               contained               15.3               micrograms               of               lead               per               2               tablets.


Tod               Cooperman               who               is               the               president               of               ConsumerLab.com               was               quoted               as               saying               "We've               never               seen               that               much               lead               in               a               multivitamin               before".

This               was               one               of               the               worst               one               tested.

Another               product               with               problems               was               Hero               Nutritionals               Yummi               Bears.

This               multi-vitamin               for               children               had               216%               of               the               Vitamin               A               stated               on               the               label.

That               is               way               more               than               the               tolerable               level               set               by               the               Institute               of               Medicine.

Children               ages               1               to               3               should               get               no               more               than               2,000               IU               per               day,               and               those               in               the               4               to               8               age               bracket               no               more               than               3,000               IU.

Hero               Nutritionals               Yummi               Bears               contained               5,400               IU.

Some               of               the               other               vitamins               tested               were               shown               to               contain               either               more               or               less               of               a               particular               vitamin               when               compared               to               the               label.

Many               of               these               products               did               not               dissolve               in               the               right               amount               of               time.

So               they               could               potentially               pass               right               through               your               body               without               ever               being               absorbed.

You               might               as               well               just               throw               your               money               away!

Can               you               imagine               spending               all               that               money               taking               a               multi-vitamin               for               years,               only               to               find               out               it's               just               passing               right               through               you?

So               basically               speaking,               half               the               vitamins               turned               out               OK,               and               the               other               half               did               not.

ConsumerLab.com               is               a               company               that               evaluates               many               different               health               and               nutrition               products.They               are               an               independent               company.
               In               another               test,               they               bought               a               bunch               of               the               more               popular               brand               name               multi-vitamins               as               well               as               some               lesser               known               brands.

All               the               products               were               sent               to               2               different               laboratories               after               the               labels               had               been               removed               from               each               bottle.

You'll               be               happy               to               know               that               several               of               the               more               popular               brands               passed               the               tests.

Some               of               these               popular               brands               that               passed               were,               Centrum               Silver,               Members               Mark               Complete               Multi               (Sam's               Club),               One               a               Day               Women's,               and               Flinstone's               Complete.

There               is               no               guarantee               when               it               comes               to               a               multi-vitamin,               but               it               seems               as               though               buying               one               that               has               a               name               you               recognize               generally               is               a               good               product.

Here               are               some               tips               on               how               to               select               a               good               multi-vitamin.
               No               matter               what               vitamin               you               choose               to               take,               keep               in               mind               they               do               not               get               tested               the               same               way               as               medicine               does.

Some               steps               you               should               take               are:
               Buy               vitamins               from               well               known               companies               who               have               a               lot               to               lose.

Your               best               bet               is               a               brand               name               that               is               well               recognized.

These               companies               can               ill               afford               to               have               a               media               nightmare               on               one               of               their               products.
               Purchase               your               products               from               a               larger               retail               store.

They               move               products               faster               and               you're               more               apt               to               get               fresh               vitamins.

Always               check               the               dates.

Stay               away               from               buying               your               vitamins               over               the               internet.
               Check               the               bottles               to               see               if               they               have               any               labels               from               ConsumerLab.com,               USP,               or               NSF.

These               labels               indicate               the               company               does               submit               their               products               for               independent               testing.

If               they               are               willing               to               have               the               product               tested               independently,               it's               probably               going               to               contain               similar               amounts               of               each               ingredient               that               are               stated               on               the               label.

Remember               there               are               no               guarantees               with               vitamins,               but               these               are               your               best               bet.
               Stay               away               from               those               super               expensive               vitamins.

Don't               believe               all               that               bull               trying               to               justify               paying               more               money               for               the               product.

All               you               need               is               the               vitamins,               all               those               so               called               extras               probably               aren't               going               to               do               you               any               good               anyway.
               Taking               a               multi-vitamin               is               a               great               way               to               supplement               your               daily               health.

Use               your               common               sense               and               at               least               take               one               that               gives               you               the               benefits               your               paying               for.

Try               your               best               to               eat               a               good               diet,               as               your               main               daily               compliment               of               nutrition               should               come               from               food.

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vitamin for children

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vitamin for children

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vitamin for children

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    Most               of               us               want               beautiful               hair               but               keeping               your               hair               healthy               and               beautiful               can               be               quite               a               challenge.

    You               must               style               your               hair,               treat               it               to               keep               it               healthy,               protect               it               from               the               elements,               and               eat               the               right               things               to               keep               it               healthy.

    A               lot               of               how               healthy               your               hair               is               depends               on               what               goes               in               to               your               body,               and               the               best               way               to               assure               that               you               are               getting               the               right               nutrients               is               to               make               sure               you               are               eating               the               right               foods.

    Here               is               a               listing               of               the               best               vitamins               and               minerals               that               you               should               eat               for               healthy               and               beauiful               hair,               and               also               what               foods               are               good               sources               of               those               particular               vitamins               and               minerals.
                   Vitamins               B12,               B6,               Folate               and               Biotin
                   Vitamin               B               is               critical               for               healthy               hair,               it               helps               to               create               red               blood               cells.

    Red               blood               cells               are               responsible               for               carrying               oxygen               and               nutrients               to               all               the               cells               in               the               body.

    The               cells               would               literally               starve               without               vitamin               B.

    Biotin               is               also               a               form               of               vitamin               B.
                   Where               Vitamin               Bs               and               Folate               Can               Be               Found
                   There               are               a               nice               variety               of               vegetables               that               provide               vitamin               B               such               as:               peppers,               sweet               potatoes,               winter               squash,               broccoli,               broccoli               raab,               carrots,               and               Brussels               sprouts.

    It               can               also               be               found               in               some               fruits               such               as:               bananas,               apricots,               watermelon,               and               strawberries.

    They               can               also               be               found               in               some               meats               such               as:               lean               beef,               pork               tenderloin,               and               chicken               breast               as               well               as               other               proteins               like               tofu,               eggs,               crab,               oysters,               trout,               tuna,               salmon,               and               shrimp.

    As               well               as               diary               items               such               as:               cottage               cheese,               cheese,               eggs,               low               fat               yogurt,               and               low               fat               milk               as               well               as               low               fat               soy               milk.
                   Other               ways               to               get               B               vitamins               and               folate               are:               Fortified               whole               grain               cereals,               lentils,               black               eyed               peas,               soy               beans,               turnip               greens,               sunflower               seeds               wheat               germ,               kidney               beans,               pinto               beans               garbanzo               beans,               navy               beans,               sunflower               seeds,               Chinese               cabbage,               corn,               whole               grain               breads               and               pastas.
                   Iron               and               protein
                   Iron               helps               red               blood               cells               carry               oxygen               to               cells,               and               protein               is               essential               to               all               cell               growth.

    Most               people               who               are               not               vegetarians               will               get               enough               protein               in               their               normal               diet               but               may               not               get               enough               iron.

    Those               who               are               vegetarians               will               need               to               make               sure               that               they               vegetables               and               other               foods               that               are               high               in               iron               but               are               not               meat               based               such               as,               spinach,               fortified               whole               grain               cereals,               tofu,               soybeans,               lentils,               Swiss               chard,               asparagus,               lentils,               beans,               and               black               eyed               peas,               asparagus,               broccoli,               kale,               mustard               greens,               and               Brussels               sprouts.
                   Vitamin               C
                   Vitamin               C               is               used               to               help               build               collagen.

    Collagen               is               a               structural               fiber               that               helps,               to               keep               hair               follicles,               blood               vessels,               and               skin               to               stay               healthy.
                   How               to               Get               Vitamin               C
                   Grapefruits,               tangerines,               lemons,               Clementine's,               strawberries,               mangos,               watermelon               and               black               berries,               Guava,               kiwi,               cantaloupe,               pineapples,               white               potatoes               with               skin,               snow               peas,               sugar               snap               peas,               Chinese               cabbage,               summer               squash,               cherry               tomatoes,               mustard               greens,               cauliflower,               kohlrabi,               kale,               broccoli,               Brussels               sprouts,               kidney               beans,               bell               peppers,               and               chili               peppers.
                   Beta               Carotene
                   Beta               Carotene               is               converted               in               to               Vitamin               A               when               it               gets               in               to               our               bodies.

    Vitamin               A               is               essential               to               helping               cell               growth               and               that               includes               the               cells               of               the               scalp               and               hair.

    Too               much               vitamin               A               can               be               detrimental               though               so               Vitamin               A               should               be               received               in               to               the               body               through               food               sources               rather               than               supplementation.
                   How               to               Get               Beta               Carotene               (Vitamin               A)
                   Butternut               squash,               apricots,               cantaloupe,               red               bell               peppers,               mustard               greens,               pumpkin               turnip               greens,               spinach,               lettuce,               collard               greens,               Swiss               Chard,               grapefruit,               cherries,               mangoes,               tomatoes,               guava,               tomatoes,               carrots,               sweet               potatoes               and               asparagus.
                   Eating               these               foods               will               certainly               help               you               to               keep               your               hair               nice               and               healthy               but               other               factors               such               as               what               kind               of               hair               you               have               inherited,               and               environmental               issues               can               help               or               hurt               the               beauty               of               your               hair               too.

    Not               much               you               can               do               about               heredity,               but               be               sure               to               protect               your               hair               from               the               wind,               and               from               the               sun.

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    About 'nutrients in dairy products'|Are dairy products nutrient dense powerhouses or the equivalent of an atom bomb to your own personal health Find out the facts so you can make an informed decision!

    About 'nutrients in dairy products'|Are dairy products nutrient dense powerhouses or the equivalent of an atom bomb to your own personal health Find out the facts so you can make an informed decision!

    Organic               is               a               huge               buzz               word               right               now               in               the               media               and               among               health-conscious               individuals.

    If               you               haven't               yet               heard               about               the               benefits               of               an               organic               diet,               now               is               the               time               to               tune               in               to               the               buzz               and               learn               some               of               the               facts.

    This               article               focuses               specifically               on               the               nutritional               benefits               of               organic               dairy               products               and               how               to               incorporate               quick,               healthy,               organic               dairy               recipes               into               your               everyday               routine.

    The               USDA               (United               States               Department               of               Agriculture)               website               defines               organic               as               "produced               using               sustainable               agricultural               production               practices.

    Not               permitted               are               most               conventional               pesticides;               fertilizers               made               with               synthetic               ingredients,               or               sewage               sludge;               bioengineering;               or               ionizing               radiation.

    Organic               meat,               poultry               eggs,               and               dairy               products               come               from               animals               that               are               given               no               antibiotics               or               growth               hormones."
                   Source:               http://www.usda.gov
                   Some               quick               facts               about               organics               and               organic               dairy:
                   --               In               the               United               States,               for               a               product               to               be               labeled               organic               it               must               be               certified               by               an               approved               agency.

    The               largest               of               these               is               the               USDA.

    You               may               see               some               dairy               products               with               a               label               of               natural               or               free-range.

    The               use               of               the               word               natural               on               product               labels               is               not               regulated               by               the               USDA.

    Be               wary               of               any               product               claiming               to               be               natural.

    If               a               product               is               labeled               free-range,               this               is               a               term               that               is               regulated               by               the               USDA.

    Free-range               means               that               the               animal               had               access               to               the               outdoors.
                   --               Organic               dairy               products               do               not               contain               growth               hormones               (such               as               recombinant               bovine               growth               hormones-               rBGH,               rBST),               antibiotics               or               pesticides.
                   --               Organic               dairy               products               do               not               originate               from               genetically               modified               organisms               (sometimes               referred               to               as               GMOs).
                   If               you're               interested               in               switching               to               organic               foods,               more               specifically               organic               dairy               products,               you               can               safely               substitute               an               organic               dairy               product               in               a               recipe               that               you               would               normally               make               with               a               traditional               dairy               product.

    Not               sure               where               to               buy               organic               dairy?

    Because               of               high               consumer               demand,               most               grocery               stores               are               now               carrying               organic               dairy               products.

    Some               popular               brands               to               look               for               are               Organic               Valley,               Stonyfield               Farm,               and               Horizon               Organic.

    Be               sure               to               check               and               see               if               your               store               brand               carries               a               line               of               organic               dairy               as               these               are               often               less               expensive               than               name               brands.

    (For               organic               shopping               on               a               budget,               check               out               this               article.)
                   Now               that               you               know               what               organic               dairy               products               are               and               have               an               idea               about               where               to               buy               them,               why               not               check               out               some               of               the               following               recipes               (my               personal               favorites)               to               try               your               new               products?
                   Baked               Veggie               Omelet
                   Serves               2
                   This               is               a               versatile               option               for               any               meal.

    For               brunch               or               a               light               dinner               I               like               to               serve               this               on               a               bed               of               organic               baby               salad               greens               (lightly               tossed               with               olive               oil)               garnished               with               fresh               fruit               slices               such               as               orange               wedges.

    In               this               recipe,               organic               eggs               provide               protein,               healthy               fats,               and               vital               nutrients.
                   4               organic               eggs               (Organic               Valley               or               Eggland's               Best               are               two               options)
                   2               tablespoons               organic               cream               or               milk
                   1               teaspoon               fresh               herbs               of               your               choice-               rosemary,               basil,               or               parsley               well
                   1/2               small               red               onion,               minced
                   1/2               cup               chopped               sweet               bell               peppers
                   1/4               cup               sliced               baby               bella               mushrooms
                   1/4               cup               organic               cheese               (your               preference-               mild               cheddar               or               swiss               both               work               well)
                   coarse               salt               and               freshly               ground               black               pepper
                   Preheat               oven               to               350               degrees.

    In               a               nonstick               (oven-safe)               skillet               over               medium-high               heat,               cook               the               onions,               pepper,               and               mushrooms               until               they               start               to               soften,               about               2-3               minutes.

    Beat               the               eggs,               cream,               herbs,               and               a               sprinkle               of               salt               and               pepper               together.

    Pour               the               mixture               into               the               skillet               so               that               the               vegetables               are               covered.

    Cook               over               medium               heat.

    (Do               not               stir.)               When               the               eggs               begin               to               set,               gently               lift               the               sides               of               the               eggs               with               a               spatula               so               that               the               runny               egg               mixture               runs               underneath               the               eggs.

    Continue               until               the               eggs               are               nearly               set,               then               remove               from               stove               top,               sprinkle               with               cheese,               and               place               into               the               oven.

    Heat               in               the               oven               until               the               cheese               is               melted               and               the               egg               mixture               is               completely               set.

    Remove               and               cut               into               slices,               then               serve.
                   Heirloom               Tomato,               Herb               &               Goat               Cheese               Frittata
                   Serves               4
                   This               another               egg               recipe               suitable               for               breakfast,               brunch,               or               a               light               dinner.

    You               can               doll               it               up               with               a               salad               or               side               of               roasted               potatoes               to               make               it               a               heartier               meal.
                   8               organic               eggs
                   2               ounces               fresh               herbed               organic               goat               cheese
                   1               medium               heirloom               tomato,               sliced               thin               (Brandywine,               Yellow               Brandywine,               or               Ugly               Ripe               work               well.)
                   1/4               cup               fresh               herbs,               chopped-               you               can               use               basil,               dill,               chives,               parsley,               or               whatever               else               is               fresh,               plus               a               few               fresh               sprigs               for               garnish
                   1               teaspoon               lemon               zest
                   1/2               teaspoon               sea               salt
                   1/4               teaspoon               freshly               ground               black               pepper
                   Preheat               broiler.

    Beat               eggs,               salt               and               pepper,               and               lemon               zest               with               whisk               until               light               and               bubbly.

    Stir               fresh               herbs               into               egg               mixture.

    In               a               medium-sized               oven               proof               nonstick               skillet,               arrange               tomatoes               in               a               thin               layer.

    Top               with               dollops               of               the               goat               cheese.

    Pour               the               eggs               over               the               tomatoes               and               goat               cheese.

    Cook               over               low               heat               6-8               minutes               until               the               eggs               start               to               set               around               the               edge               of               the               pan               and               the               center               becomes               thick               and               bubbly.

    Remove               the               pan               from               the               stove               top               and               place               under               the               broiler.

    Broil               about               3               minutes               until               the               center               is               cooked               through               and               set.

    Remove               from               oven               and               invert               onto               a               serving               platter               so               that               the               tomatoes               are               on               the               top.

    Garnish               with               a               sprinkling               of               fresh               herbs.
                   Easy               Buttermilk               Salad               Dressing
                   Makes               about               1               cup
                   Salads               are               a               quick               and               nutritious               meal               that               can               sometimes               get               bogged               down               by               heavy               dressings.

    Buttermilk               is               naturally               low               in               fat               because               it's               made               from               skim               milk.

    Combine               it               with               fat               free               sour               cream,               and               a               little               bit               of               mayonnaise,               and               you've               got               a               rich               dressing               that               won't               kill               you               with               fat               or               calories.
                   1/3               cup               organic               buttermilk
                   1/3               cup               organic               fat-free               sour               cream
                   1/3               cup               organic               mayonnaise               (A               brand               to               look               for               is               Spectrum               Naturals.)
                   3               tablespoons               freshly               squeezed               lemon               juice
                   2               cloves               garlic,               smashed               and               finely               minced
                   1               teaspoon               snipped               chives
                   Mix               all               ingredients               together               in               a               bowl               and               beat               with               a               wire               whisk               until               combined.

    It's               that               easy.
                   Lower               Fat               Alfredo               Sauce
                   Serves               4-6
                   This               is               delicious               served               over               whole-wheat               pasta.

    Top               it               with               grilled               chicken               and               steamed               broccoli               for               a               well-balanced               meal!
                   1               Tablespoon               organic               butter
                   1/4               cup               unbleached               organic               flour
                   3/4               cup               organic               Parmesan               cheese,               grated               (Forgo               the               green               cardboard               container               and               go               for               the               real               stuff!)
                   3               cups               organic               fat-free               milk
                   kosher               salt               and               freshly               ground               black               pepper
                   a               pinch               nutmeg
                   In               a               saucepan               over               medium               heat,               slowly               melt               the               butter.

    Stir               in               the               flour               and               cook,               stirring               constantly,               for               1               minute.

    Add               in               the               milk,               a               pinch               salt               and               pepper,               and               a               dash               nutmeg.

    Use               a               whisk               to               combine               the               ingredients               and               remove               any               lumps,               taking               care               not               to               let               the               mixture               burn.

    Bring               up               to               a               boil,               and               then               reduce               the               heat               to               low.

    Simmer               over               low               heat               for               5               minutes,               stirring               occasionally.

    Grate               in               the               Parmesan               cheese               just               before               serving.
                   Pomegranate               &               Clementine               Yogurt               Parfait
                   2               generous               servings
                   This               recipe               is               hearty               enough               for               breakfast               but               has               a               simple               decadence               that               will               satisfy               any               sweet               tooth.

    It's               great               during               the               winter               months               when               pomegranates               and               clementines               are               in               season.

    It's               so               delicious               that               you'll               never               know               it's               good               for               you!
                   2               cups               organic               vanilla               yogurt               (I               used               Stonyfield               Farm               low               fat               but               you               could               use               a               full               fat               yogurt               if               you               wish.)
                   1               pomegranate,               seeds               removed               and               membrane               discarded
                   2               clementines,               peeled               and               sectioned               (these               should               be               seedless               but               check               carefully               because               sometimes               you'll               find               a               few!)
                   2/3               cup               organic               granola               (You               can               make               this               yourself               or               use               store-bought-               Cascadian               Farms               "oats               and               honey"               variety               works               well               for               this               recipe.)
                   2               goblet-style               glasses,               optional               (You               can               use               any               container               you               like.)
                   Place               some               yogurt               in               the               bottom               of               each               glass               and               top               with               half               of               the               granola.

    Add               another               spoonful               of               yogurt               on               top               of               the               granola.

    Arrange               clementine               slices               in               a               flat               layer               reserving               a               few               for               garnish.

    Spoon               more               yogurt               on               top               of               the               clementine               slices.

    Sprinkle               the               pomegranate               seeds               in               a               layer               reserving               a               couple               of               tablespoons               for               garnish.

    Top               with               a               layer               of               yogurt.

    Sprinkle               on               the               remaining               half               of               the               granola.

    Top               with               a               small               dollop               of               yogurt               in               the               center.

    Sprinkle               on               remaining               pomegranate               seeds               and               arrange               clementine               slices.

    Grab               two               spoons               and               dig               in!
                   Coconut               Rice               Pudding               with               Dried               Cherries
                   Serves               6
                   Because               this               is               a               homemade               pudding,               you               can               safely               serve               this               to               Vegetarians               as               it               does               not               contain               any               gelatin.
                   1/2               cup               organic               Basmati               rice,               rinsed
                   4               cups               organic               milk               (my               preferred               brand               is               Organic               Valley)
                   1/3               cup               natural               cane               sugar
                   1/2               cup               dried               cherries
                   1/2               cup               unsweetened,               finely               shredded               organic               coconut
                   a               pinch               salt
                   1/2               teaspoon               vanilla
                   cinnamon,               for               garnish
                   In               a               2               quart               saucepan               over               low               heat,               combine               the               milk,               sugar,               and               a               pinch               salt.

    Stir               gently               to               combine               the               ingredients.

    Then               add               in               the               rice,               cherries,               and               shredded               coconut.

    Stir               once               more.

    Bring               the               mixture               to               a               gentle               boil               over               medium               heat.

    When               the               pudding               comes               to               a               boil,               reduce               the               heat               to               low               and               cover               the               pot.

    Simmer               over               low               heat               for               20               minutes,               stirring               often               to               break               up               large               clumps               and               so               the               mixture               doesn't               stick               to               the               bottom               of               the               pan               or               burn.

    Just               before               removing               from               heat,               stir               in               1/2               teaspoon               vanilla               extract.

    Remove               to               a               bowl               and               chill               4-6               hours               or               overnight.

    Garnish               with               a               sprinkle               of               cinnamon               before               serving.
                   30-second               Recipe               for               the               Time-Crunched               Individual
                   Serves               1
                   Hey,               we've               all               done               it!

    The               key               here               is               to               use               organic               milk.
                   3/4               cup               organic               breakfast               cereal
                   1/2-3/4               cup               organic               milk
                   1/2               cup               fresh               fruit               such               as               bananas               or               blueberries
                   Open               cereal               box               and               pour               cereal               into               bowl.

    Pour               milk               over               cereal               and               top               with               fresh               fruit.


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    nutrients in dairy products
    nutrients in dairy products

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    nutrients in dairy products
    nutrients in dairy products

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    nutrients in dairy products
    nutrients in dairy products

    nutrients in dairy products Image 3

    nutrients in dairy products
    nutrients in dairy products

    nutrients in dairy products Image 4

    nutrients in dairy products
    nutrients in dairy products

    nutrients in dairy products Image 5

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